Small and Regional Schools - OSHC Funding 2025

This is a preview of the Small and Regional Schools - OSHC Funding 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

School Information

* indicates a required field.

School Details

Please use the School Entity Register Search to make sure that you are using correct information. This search can be found here;

Enter your school's name in this field, using the official name, i.e. including "Public School" or "College" in the name..
Must be a whole number (no decimal place) and between 1 and 9999. This is a four digit number between 1 and 9999. If unsure, check the Entity Register.
Must be an email address. 
Which Regional DE area are you located in?
If your school is not located in one of the above 9 areas, please contact

Are you an eligible school?

Is the applicant a Victorian government school delivering primary aged or special education? * Required
Was your school a recipient of an OSHC Establishment Grant? * Required

Campus details

For each campus that you are applying for funding to support OSHC access, enter the campus name and what provision you are seeking. If your school has a single campus, just enter "Main campus" or your school's name and only complete the top row.

Note: only campuses where OSHC was funded by the Establishment Grants can be included.

Name of campusNew Question
At least 1 choice and no more than 4 choices may be selected. If you have multiple campuses, click the + button to add more rows.
Response required.  * Required

Must be at least 1 rows

Contact Information

For e.g. Principal, Business Manager etc.
Must be an email address. 
Must be an Australian phone number.